CQ India – Sundry Observations

Rakesh Ahuja  I have long maintained that an understanding of Indian society and behaviour can only be achieved by analysing trends, not by making judgements based on discrete events. The Indian mind is individualistic. not collective. That means that individualism tugging any issue in its own direction, the only way forward is for a consensus […]

CQ India: Snippets

Click here to read the articles This blog will encompass stray and sundry revelations about the Indian civilisational character and mores. Just snippets, which make one aware of aspects of the Indian mind. Haggling Here in Antara, I am currently selling personal possessions as I downsize my material existence. An obviously affluent and articulate, charming […]

My Daily Awareness Ritual

By Rakesh Ahuja  Since teenhood, I have long been interested in spirituality, in ways and means of living my life. Stoicism (Marcu Aurelius’ Meditations) and Existentialism (Kierkegaard’s Either-Or) started it all. Both philosophies became two constants in my life. Both also led me to uncompromising rejection of Religion, and that constant has indeed remained a […]