CQ India – Sundry Observations

Rakesh Ahuja  I have long maintained that an understanding of Indian society and behaviour can only be achieved by analysing trends, not by making judgements based on discrete events. The Indian mind is individualistic. not collective. That means that individualism tugging any issue in its own direction, the only way forward is for a consensus […]

CQ India: Snippets

Click here to read the articles This blog will encompass stray and sundry revelations about the Indian civilisational character and mores. Just snippets, which make one aware of aspects of the Indian mind. Haggling Here in Antara, I am currently selling personal possessions as I downsize my material existence. An obviously affluent and articulate, charming […]

CQ India – The Hindu Mind: A Snapshot

Hinduism is a way of life, a living tradition with a deep cultural and spiritual heritage. It is not static like the Abrahamic faiths with their cupola of prophets and unmalleable commandments. Hinduism does not have edicts on what is right or wrong; there are no ever-ready prescriptions that prescribe this or that action. It […]

CQ India: VALUES/The Song of the Hindu

Rakesh Ahuja Song of the Hindu Who is a Hindu? Identity, Duty and Mission? 1. Like everyone else, I have had my share of brushes with various religions throughout my life. During my professional postings and travels, I have been inevitably drawn into discussions and events, some very awkward, concerning this or that religion. Recently, […]