CQ India – Sundry Observations

Rakesh Ahuja 

I have long maintained that an understanding of Indian society and behaviour can only be achieved by analysing trends, not by making judgements based on discrete events. The Indian mind is individualistic. not collective. That means that individualism tugging any issue in its own direction, the only way forward is for a consensus to emerge.

This BJP+(rebellious) NCP alliance should be seen as reflecting the Indian civilisational value of inclusivity and accepting passively all that is the need of the moment. There is no centre in the lateral Indian mind. It is like a black hole in which the new development swirls around until they become part of the Whole – full of contradictions.

Of course, it took a mere 72 hours for the dissolution of the BJP + Pawar Nephew coalition. It only underlines the point above that Indian political developments must not be analysed in terms of events, but trends. And the trend here is: In this lateral Indian existence, there is no centre. (Hence, by the way, is why jughad works!)
